Great progress can be made when a team truly trust each other and can openly express their ideas. A great way to build trust is to get the team out of the office into an environment where they need to cooperate and support each other. After such an event there is a window of opportunity to really leap forward in terms of teamwork, but the window closely rapidly as people get back to the office and business as normal resumes.
One way to capitalise on this opportunity for change is to do a half day activity and then spend the afternoon working together on a real-life work-related problem. This could be a project the team is working on, it could be how the team works together, it could be developing strategy, or perhaps some much needed training.
At Edusports we have the expertise to organise an outstanding team building event and then move smoothly into a facilitated workshop designed to help you solve an organisation problem.
Typical examples of such workshops are:
A facilitated problem-solving workshop where an experienced facilitator will take on the responsibility for the process so you can focus on contributing to the solution. This is very much like coaching, but as a team. The idea is to help you think wider and to encourage open dialogue before encouraging the development of an outline plan.
Improving Team dynamics – in this workshop the facilitator will use the well-respected Myers Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI) to raise the self-awareness of team members and to deepen understanding how different people can be in the way they think, act, and make decisions. Workshops of this type have great potential to reduce conflict and unlock hidden potential within the team. Given sufficient time the team could then apply the new found understanding by focusing on working through a workplace issue.
Training – we are experts in how learning takes place and have a deep understanding of the cognitive science of learning. This makes us well placed to run train the trainer sessions as well as direct delivery of training. We can guarantee that you will not get death by PowerPoint, nor will we make you do role play – but people will remember more of what has been covered.
Areas of particular expertise are:
Management and Leadership
Managing stakeholders
Coaching and mentoring
Influencing and negotiation
Train the trainer
Behavioural economics and nudging (getting people to do the right thing)
Interviewing skills
Teacher training, including science of learning and running effective lessons
This list is not exhaustive and if you have a specific requirement, we will be able to find someone with the expertise required. It is your workshop and we will design it to your requirements.
Lead Consultant Background
Our lead consultant on the corporate side of the business is David Bareham MSc Corporate Management, Chartered Engineer, Chartered Teacher, MCIPD, MAPM, PGCE
With experience across public, private and voluntary sector organisations in a wide range of industries from aerospace to education David has amassed a huge range of experience. From Chartered Engineer, to Chartered Teacher to Chartered HR professional David has a truly multi-disciplinary approach and understands how the different functions of a business work together (or not!).
David has worked at Board level, but also as an internal and external consultant with a particular expertise in developing people, improving productivity through Lean management and organisational development, and leading change.
David is good at building rapport and developing trust and is an experienced coach and mentor and will work with you to design your day to meet your requirements in the best way.
What activities could your employees take part in?
Here is quite an open-ended question as we're always coming up with new activities. We'll sit down with you, and get some ideas about what they would like as this also depends on how many people you would like to be involved on one particular day. Then, we'll get your day planned, confirming with you the best activities.
Activities that could be involved include, climbing, archery, paddle-sport, sailing, powerboating as well as many other team-building activities too, which will ultimately help to build your team and give them a day to remember!